Owner lets his pit bull off leash, hear a scream and starts running

Pop-culture has given pit bulls a bad reputation they don’t deserve, often depicted as the vicious guard dogs of drug dealers and criminals. All true animal lovers…

Man takes his girlfriend to her first football game, but never expected such an opinion

He’s left dumbfounded! A guy took his blond girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team’s bench. After the game, he…

His nagging wife passes away during vacation, and the man has a hilarious comment

A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation in Jerusalem. The woman kept complaining about every little detail and making the trip unbearable. But a few…

Veteran who hasn’t seen Marine grandson in years gets a special gift on his birthday (VIDEO)

We often consider men serving in the military as the toughest men on Earth. And with that is the assumption that they’re devoid of emotions. Here’s something…

Teacher’s student says he’s ‘Too smart for 1st grade’ and her response is priceless

A First grade teacher was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, “Johnny what is your problem?” Johnny answered: “I’m too smart for the…

New Yorker mocks a blind man at the bus stop, but the comeback is clever as they come

This New Yorker fellow needs an attitude adjustment. A New Yorker and his wife are waiting at the bus stop with their nine children. A blind man…

Man answers the phone in the locker room, and none of the guys can believe what they hear

Here’s a good one that had me cracking up. Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A mobile phone on a bench rings,…

Who remember’s watching ‘Our Gang’ — the OTHER Little Rascals?

Many will remember the classic hijinx of the other little rascals known as ‘Our Gang.’ These zany kids were some of the first child performers to ever…

Bar’s Front Door Sign ‘Sparks Outrage’, Manager Claims It’s ‘Increased Business’

Note: we are republishing this story, which originally made the news in June 2018, amid record high levels of political division in America. According to Pew surveys,…

A Man Shows Someone Human Kindness And He Gets Much More In Return

Last week I was having breakfast at Chik-fil-a and as I was sitting in my truck eating I noticed a homeless guy sitting on the curb behind…