As the temperatures drop and winter approaches, many pet parents face a common question: Should my dog wear a winter coat?
It’s a valid question! After all, we bundle up before heading out into the ice and snow. Why shouldn’t our dogs? This article will explore the considerations, benefits, and potential downsides of winter coats for dogs. Plus, we’ll share the coats we use to keep our pups warm and cozy.
Let’s get started…
Do All Dogs Need a Coat in Winter?
The short answer is no. Not all dogs need a winter coat to stay comfortable in the colder temperatures. In fact, some dogs will be more comfortable without a winter coat. That leaves us with one more question – how do you know if your dog will need a coat this season? Here are a few factors to consider:
Breed & Coat Length
What breed or breed mix is your dog? Some dogs, like the Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, and Keeshond, were specifically bred to handle the colder temperatures. These dogs have thick double coats, including a water-resistant guard coat and a plush, warm undercoat. If you own one of these dogs, you may see them relaxing outside, happily napping in a snowbank. They thrive in cooler weather but struggle when the temperatures climb.
On the other end of the spectrum, some dogs were bred to live in warmer climates. These dogs have short coats, offering little protection from the winter cold.
Your dog’s age could make them more sensitive to changes in temperature, both heat and cold. If you have a young puppy or a senior dog, they may need a little extra care and attention. Not only do they feel cold faster, but the low temperatures could worsen the discomfort of a senior dog’s arthritis or other joint problems. Even if your dog once thrived in cold temperatures, they may struggle in their older years.