“Thrifty Discovery”: $2 Photo of Billy the Kid Playing Croquet Turns into Million-Dollar Treasure

Randy Guijarro found a valuable photo of Billy the Kid playing croquet at a thrift shop. Originally worth $2, the picture now sold for millions. Guijarro and…

A Life Remembered Hollywood’s Rising Star Gone Too Soon

The teacher told the class

The teacher told the class that each student could tell the class one thing they got for holiday. So, the teacher calls on a girl to come…

A cowboy walks into a bar and orders

A cowboy walks into a bar and orders a wh*sky. When the bartender delivers the drink, the cowboy asks, “Where is everybody? ”The bartender replies, “They’ve gone…

Two are walking along

Two drunks are walking along. One drunk says to the other, “What a beautiful night. Look at that moon! ”The other drunk stops and looks at his…

A blonde car gets a flat tire

A blonde car gets a flat tire on the Interstate one day So she eases it over onto the shoulder of the road. She carefully steps out…


I love those recipes that we all grew up with, they are just too good to miss out on. this amazing Texas Sheet Cake is light and…

RICHARD Gere’s Pneumonia Scare: A Heartbreaking Turn in Mexico

Gere’s recovery began days ago, with Silva noting that “the worst has already passed.” She assured fans that Gere was “feeling much better,” as were their two…

“He has a wonderful gift from nature”: what the boy with the longest eyelashes in the world looks like now

As startling as it may sound, an attractive boy rather than a girl has the longest eyelashes. Also, they measure 3 inches in length. Muin Rachonaev is…

I Left My Mother-in-Law’s Thanksgiving Dinner after She Threw Out the Dish I Brought

A 27-year-old pregnant woman sought Reddit’s advice after a Thanksgiving dinner debacle with her mother-in-law (MIL). Due to health issues, she adhered to a meat-free diet, leading…