Mom finds her little son praying in Walmart – Then L’ooks Closer And Sees It
The small boy walked away from his mother as they were inside of the Walmart. Once she found him a few minutes later, she initially wanted to…

All His Life, This Huge Bull Was Chained To A Rail, But Watch His Reaction To The Man Wearing Red
This heartwarming video highlights the often-overlooked suffering of animals other than dogs and cats, focusing on the story of a bull that endured years of confinement and…

10 things my grandpa taught me
My grandpa, Don (my dad’s dad), passed away on Thursday. I think every single person who has ever met him would use the word gentleman to describe…

Home Depot workers find adorable heart-shaped pile of fur babies nesting in mulch display
Working at Home Depot, employees are used to the routine of hauling around bags of mulch for customers. It’s a task that usually doesn’t come with many…

Retired teacher’s letter to parents is hailed by thousands – do you agree?
In an eye-opening letter, a retired teacher casts the spotlight on parents, not teachers, for educational shortcomings. Addressing the lag of American students behind their international peers,…
Jay Leno is in our thoughts and prayers
Sadly, he was again taken to the hospital as it has been revealed that he broke two kneecaps and two ribs and fractured his collarbone. Luckily, Leno…

This Man Lived Alone For Nearly 30 Years In The Mountains of Alaska In a Log Cabin Which He Built With His Own Hands
Have you ever wondered what it is like to live alone in the wild, and become one with Nature?It must be highly challenging, but very relaxing at…

After soldier goes from 3 wasp stings, grieving widow and 4 kids are surprised with $10,000 holiday gift
Jon Toone, a specialist in the US Army Reserve and a 37-year-old husband and father, suffered a t ragic acc ident while working outside in his yard….

Devoted dad wins daughter back after she was adopted without his permission
It’s something that no parent should ever have to experience, being separated from their child. In one South Carolina man’s case his daughter was adopted without his…

A little boy’s rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance will warm your heart.
Oh, the glory days of kindergarten. What some of us adults would give to go back in time and make macaroni necklaces, use glue sticks, and learn…