The close-knit community is mourning the heartbreaking loss of a young and promising high school student, Sienna Stewart, who tragically passed away just weeks following her collapse during her graduation ceremony.
Sienna, aged 18, had been battling heart issues since childhood. Diagnosed with severe cardiomyopathy at just four years old, she underwent a heart transplant eleven years ago, allowing her to live a “relatively normal life” for the past decade. However, recently, she began facing health complications again, leading to a diagnosis of heart failure in April of this year.
The optimism and resilience Sienna showed in the face of her health battles were truly inspiring. Her mother, Saevon Chum, shared the struggles Sienna faced as she “got weaker and started slowing down.” Despite her illness, Sienna was determined to savor every moment of her senior year.
Sienna’s mother recounted how episodes of fainting became more frequent. On Thursday, May 23, 2024, during her graduation ceremony, Sienna collapsed, causing concern and alarm. In a poignant moment captured on video, the principal of Hiram High School is heard asking for patience from the crowd as they attended to Sienna.
With an ambulance arriving at the scene, Saevon described discovering her daughter being attended to by paramedics, having experienced what she called “another episode.” “When I got there, the ambulance was already there. She had collapsed and was unconscious,” Saevon recalled, highlighting the severity of the incident.
Sienna, showcasing her indomitable spirit, regained consciousness shortly afterward. Despite the scare, Sienna chose to attend her graduation ceremony instead of heading to the hospital. “All she could tell me is, ‘I just want to graduate, I want to walk.’ That’s all she wanted,” Saevon shared. Missing her senior prom due to an earlier hospital visit, Sienna was determined not to miss another milestone.